Q&A Koen de Kort

Koen de Kort

What does Keep Challenging mean for you personally?

Continuous personal development. That means you need to set new goals for yourself and extend your horizons. I’m still hungry to improve myself, even in the off season. I learn new things every year. I used to dream about being a professional cyclist and now I’m focused on getting better.

What’s the most inspiring cycling moment in history for you personally?

When Johan Museeuw pointed his knee in the Roubaix stadium, because he almost lost a leg. It was inspiring to see how he dealt with misfortune. He even got stronger after it.

How does Team Giant-Alpecin make you a better cyclist?

The team lets us explore things and make our own plan during a race. I get the freedom and opportunity to develop. That works out really well.

Who inspires you as a human being?

Nelson Mandela, because he stood up as a leader and changed very important things, even when he was in a difficult position and his actions had bad consequences.

How do you spend your spare time?

I love spending time with my wife in our apartment in the city center of Gerona, Spain. We have a great terrace on the roof and we also like go into the town.

What’s your favorite climb?

Mare de Déu del Mont close to Gerona. It has a stunning view.

What’s on your personal bucket list?

I’d really like to go to Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Mansion!

What has been your biggest achievement in your cycling career?

I have developed during my professional cycling career. I help my teammates and I’m part of our team achievements. Being a part of Tom’s performance in the Vuelta was amazing.

What’s your greatest ambition in the sport?

I want to stay part of a team that wins important races. Winning a Grand Tour by working hard as a team would be the biggest achievement.

What’s your definition of teamwork?

Making each other better and stronger. Cycling is becoming more and more of a team sport. At Giant-Alpecin we really work as a team, certainly compared to other cycling teams.

If you weren’t a professional cyclist, what would you do?

I’ve studied human movement sciences. I like studying, so I think I would have tried to become a doctor.

What’s your favorite bike race?

I love Paris-Roubaix, but this race hasn’t brought me good personal results so far. But maybe the most interesting loves are those who don’t reciprocate.

What song makes you ride faster?

Who is the best athlete in the world?

Johan Cruyff

Koen de Kort: My Tattoos

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“Muziek is erg belangrijk voor mij. Ik luister iedere dag naar muziek, bijvoorbeeld als ik word gemasseerd, aan het trainen ben of in de bus zit op weg naar een koers.”

“Mijn muzieksmaak is heel breed. Ik ben gek op de wat oudere muziek van bijvoorbeeld iemand als Johnny Cash. Verder kan ik erg genieten van hardere muziek met gitaren van bijvoorbeeld een band als Metallica."

"Voor een wedstrijd luister ik eigenlijk altijd naar muziek. Het is niet zo dat ik het nodig heb om extra gemotiveerd te raken. Ik vind het gewoon lekker."